Montpellier Business School

Doctorant Benzari Alexandre

Benzari Alexandre
Fonction Doctoral Research Assistant
Research themes Small business management, Health and Entrepreneurship, Technostress, Burnout, Well-being, Information and communication technologies.
Teaching department Strategy & Entrepreneurship

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Tel : +33(0)467106001

Short Bio

Alexandre Benzari joined Montpellier Business School in 2017 as a research assistant - PhD student. He holds a professional master’s degree in international SME management and a bachelor’s degree in applied foreign languages from the University of Paul Valery. His doctoral research under the supervision of Dr. Olivier Torres (Professor of Entrepreneurship and Health of SME owners, at MBS and at the University of Montpellier) and Dr. Anis Khedhaouria (Professor of Information systems, Innovation and Creativity at MBS) focuses on technostress and its effects on the health and well-being of small business owners and entrepreneurs. His current research interests are small business management, health and entrepreneurship, technostress, burnout, well-being and the information and communication technologies.

Selected intellectual contributions

Thurik R., Benzari A., Fisch C., Mukerjee J. & Torrès O. 2023. Techno-overload and well-being of French small business owners: identifying the flipside of digital technologies. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. []

Stephan U., Zbierowski P., Pérez-Luño A., Wach D., Wiklund J., Alba Cabañas M., Barki E., Benzari A., Bernhard-Oettel C., Boekhorst J.A., Dash A., Efendic A., Eib C., Hanard P.-J., Iakovleva T., Kawakatsu S., Khalid S., Leatherbee M., Li J., Parker S., Qu J., Rosati F., Sahasranamam S., Sekiguchi T., Salusse M.A.Y., Thomas N., Torrès O., Tran M.H., Ward M.K., Williamson A. & Zahid, M. 2023. Act or Wait-and-See? Adversity, Agility, and Entrepreneur Wellbeing across Countries during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 47(3): 682-723.

Benzari A., Khedhaouria A., Torres O. & Cucchi A. Forthcoming. The impact of technostress on small business owners' burnout: The mediating role of strain. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business.

Benzari A. 2022. Le technostress des dirigeants de PME. Dans Torrès O. (dir.), La santé du dirigeant: De la souffrance patronale à l'entrepreneuriat salutaire: 171-192. Louvain-la-Neuve, De Boeck Supérieur.

Torrès O., Benzari A., Fisch C., Mukerjee J., Swalhi A. & Thurik R. 2022. Risk of burnout in French small business owners and the COVID-19 crisis. Small Business Economics, 58(2): 689-716.

Torrès O., Benzari A., Swalhi A. &Thurik R. 2021. Confinement et risque de burnout des dirigeants propriétaires de PME: le syndrome d’épuisement d’empêchement. Revue internationale PME, 34(2): 62-80.[]


2022 - : Research methods for the master thesis, Program Grande Ecole (PGE3), Montpellier Business School, Montpellier, France.
2021 - : Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Society, Program Grande Ecole (PGE1), Montpellier Business School, Montpellier, France.
2021 - 2022: Research methods for the bachelor thesis, Program Bachelor (BIBA3), Montpellier Business School, Montpellier, France.
2018 - 2021: Introduction to Entrepreneurship and SME Management, Program Grande Ecole (PGE1), Montpellier Business School, Montpellier, France.

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